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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 14, Issue 4, pp. 761-1012

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A Supernodal Cholesky Factorization Algorithm for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors

Esmond Ng and Barry W. Peyton

pp. 761-769

Generating Linear and Linear-Quadratic Bilevel Programming Problems

Paul H. Calamai and Luis N. Vicente

pp. 770-782

The Accuracy of Floating Point Summation

Nicholas J. Higham

pp. 783-799

Adaptive Linear Equation Solvers in Codes for Large Stiff Systems of ODEs

K. R. Jackson and W. L. Seward

pp. 800-823

Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Stiff Relaxation II. Higher-Order Godunov Methods

Richard B. Pember

pp. 824-859

Optimizing the Numerical Integration of Initial Value Problems in Shooting Methods for Linear Boundary Value Problems

L. Rández

pp. 860-871

Estimating Waveform Relaxation Convergence

B. Leimkuhler

pp. 872-889

Performance Enhancements and Parallel Algorithms for Two Multilevel Preconditioners

H. C. Elman and Xian-Zhong Guo

pp. 890-913

Parallel Compact FFTs for Real Sequences

Richard B. Pelz

pp. 914-935

The Development of Variable-Step Symplectic Integrators, with Application to the Two-Body Problem

M. P. Calvo and J. M. Sanz-Serna

pp. 936-952

Iterative Defect Correction and Multigrid Accelerated Explicit Time Stepping Schemes for the Steady Euler Equations

Marie-Hélène Lallemand and Barry Koren

pp. 953-970

The Asymptotic Spectra of Banded Toeplitz and Quasi-Toeplitz Matrices

Richard M. Beam and Robert F. Warming

pp. 971-1006

A New Preprocessing Algorithm for the Computation of the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition

Zhaojun Bai and Hongyuan Zha

pp. 1007-1012